Accelerator Industries GCSS Hustler Aluminum Mower Grass Catcher - image 1

Accelerator Industries GCSS Hustler Aluminum Mower Grass Catcher

Price: $647.10
    Shipping: FREE
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Part Number: GCSS
    Size Variations:

Product Features:

  • Size: 4.15 cubic ft.

Aluminum Grass Catcher Standard

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Showing 6 of 6 questions

Question: I have a model 700 Ferris mower, I have the catcher you sell do you make a mounting bracket that fits the Ferris? 0
Answer this question
Answer: If it's 61" IS 700
Aug 31, 2022 by Farm Parts
Question: Hello, which one fits a hustler sd 54” Mower model # 938670 Serial # 18074975 Thanks Wayne [email protected] 0
Answer this question
Answer: Don't carry one for it. Please do not provide your personal information in this section.
Aug 31, 2022 by Farm Parts
Question: Thank you for your help. 0
Answer this question
Question: The link you provided did not give any results for grass catcher for mower. 0
Answer this question
Answer: Use the search FP-B1GCRP48XL
Jun 02, 2020 by Farm Parts Store
Question: Hustler Raptor flip-up 48" 2016 Model # 933514 0
Answer this question
Answer: This part will not fit your model, but we offer correct one, use the link below:
Jun 01, 2020 by Farm Parts Store
Question: What is opening size attached to mower deck, any support brackets to support bag weight ,does catcher keep grass from blowing on rider, need to give dimensions of overall size of catcher, and any other information of catcher? 0
Answer this question
Answer: Please provide year, make, model and deck size of your mower and we will suggest correct catcher. Grass is not blowing on rider. We also offer dust covers if needed.
May 30, 2020 by Farm Parts Store

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