A&I Products 00752827 Rotary Cutter Blade Bolt - image 1

A&I Products 00752827 Rotary Cutter Blade Bolt

Price: $15.10
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Brand: A&I Products
    Part Number: 00752827
    SKU: FP-00752827

Product Features:

  • Head Diameter: 2.50"
  • Neck Diameter: 1.125"
  • Shoulder Diameter: 1.50"
  • Shoulder Length: 1.11"
  • Thread Length: 1.479"
  • Bolt Size: 1.117"

Product Description:
Rotary Cutter Blade Bolt.

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Showing 3 of 3 questions

Question: What is the overhaul length of this bolt. Also, do you have a diagram to show Bolt size Diameter size Thread size Please 0
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Question: Hello, Re: John Deere 227 Rotary cutter 1) Do you sell hooked blades (has 90 degree bend on the blades) ? 1a) Are your blades hardened steel? 2) What is the cost of the hooked blades (2 required) ? 3) Do you sell the blade bolts & nuts (left hand thread)? 4) Do you sell as a kit (2 blades, 2 bolts, 2 nuts) cost ? 5) Shipping to Canada Postal Code L9W 5N2 Thanks, Leonard 0
Answer this question
Answer: We carry only blades for your model https://farmpartsstore.com/rotary-center-clock-wise-counter-clock-wise-blade-w34286/
Aug 19, 2024 by Farm Parts Store
Question: is this the same as a BB55 bolt 0
Answer this question
Answer: Please provide the brand and model of your cutter.
Sep 29, 2023 by Farm Parts Store

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