Ford New Holland T103BU Blue Seat Cushion Set - image 1

Ford New Holland T103BU Blue Seat Cushion Set

Price: $58.56
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Brand: A&I Products
    Part Number: T103BU
    SKU: FP-T103BU
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Product Description:
Cushion kit consists of seat bottom & back for T333 seats

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Reviewed on 05 Jun 2024 by Martin

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Showing 2 of 2 questions

Question: What are the dimensions of these seats? Will it fit a Ford 7710 or do you not know? 0
Answer this question
Answer: These cushions only for T333 seats that we sell. Will not fit original frames.
Sep 14, 2023 by Farm Parts
Question: will these cushions fit a Ford New Holland model 340 TL (year 1979) Thank you! 0
Answer this question
Answer: No. We carry complete seat for your model
Jun 03, 2023 by Farm Parts Store

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