Ford New Holland SBBSKIT06 Bushing / Bearing / Seal Spindle Kit - image 1

Ford New Holland SBBSKIT06 Bushing / Bearing / Seal Spindle Kit

Price: $36.48
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Brand: A&I Products
    Part Number: SBBSKIT06
Bushing / Bearing / Seal Spindle Kit

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Showing 4 of 4 questions

Question: Are the upper and lower bushings the same size. .This kit will fit 1952 8N ford 0
Answer this question
Question: Will this rebuild kit fit a newholland914 A mower 0
Answer this question
Answer: Sorry, we don't have it for your model
Jul 15, 2024 by Farm Parts Store
Question: FORD NEW HOLLAND SBBSKIT06 BUSHING / BEARING / SEAL SPINDLE KIT Do you make a similar kit to fit a Ford New Holland 8160 0
Answer this question
Answer: No, we don't carry one for your model.
Feb 06, 2023 by Farm Parts
Question: What are the di.ensions if the bushings. I need a bushing kit to fit Part# SBBSKIT06 0
Answer this question
Answer: Bushings are 1 1/2" X 1 5/8" X 1 1/2", you can order it using the link below:
Apr 13, 2020 by Farm Parts Store

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