A&I Products 700709054 Constant Velocity Shaft - image 1

A&I Products 700709054 Constant Velocity Shaft

Price: $986.24
    Shipping: FREE
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Brand: A&I Products
    Part Number: 700709054
    SKU: FP-700709054

Product Features:

  • Size: 6
  • C to C Min: 48"
  • Implement: Cross Kit Less Yoke
  • Series: Bondioli & Pavesi EL 100 CV
  • Tractor: 1 3/8" 6 Spline

Product Description:
New CV (Constant Velocity) shaft without implement yoke, size 6. C-to-C length is 48" (1210 mm).Tractor end has 6,1-3/8" splines. Replaces Bondioli & Pavesi No: BPCV612100101. Fits Case-IH andHesston square balers. This is a complete CV driveline assembly minus the implement yoke. It replaces the tractor half CVdriveline. It may be necessary to cut this driveline to length. Verify the length by ensuring that sufficientoverlap of the drive tubes exists in all working positions without the possibility of bottoming out.

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Question: My Heston part number is 700713770 will your 700709054 fit or should I replace both sections of the drive line. 0
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