XHT B1EM1886 Mower Blade - image 1

XHT B1EM1886 Mower Blade

Price: $17.12
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Brand: XHT
    Part Number: B1EM1886
    SKU: FP-B1EM1886

Product Features:

  • Type: Medium Lift
  • Thickness: .197"
  • Length: 18"
  • Width: 2 1/2"
  • Center Hole: 15/16"
  • Replaces: Exmark 103-6382

Product Description:
XHT (Xtreme Hardness & Toughness) blades feature a unique steel that incorporates boron, carbon,manganese, and other materials that ensure its strength. The blades are heat treated with thepatented and independently tested Marbain heat-treating process. This process makes the blades 25% - 40% harder than standard lawnmower blades, making them the longest-lasting, safest, and most impact resistant lawnmower blades on the market.

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