A&I Products PS2122X150 Protective Slip On Sleeve Pack of 150 - image 1

A&I Products PS2122X150 Protective Slip On Sleeve Pack of 150

Price: $423.75 ( $2.82 / item)
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Brand: A&I Products
    Part Number: PS2122X150
    SKU: FP-PS2122X150

Product Features:

  • Length: 150' Roll
  • Inside Diameter: 1.22"
  • Width: Flat 2.05"

Product Description:
Protects the operator from dangerous fluid spray by meeting new line of sight operatorsspecification EN982, ISO Norm 833, EN414 Approved for 250,000 rub cycles meeting abrasion standard ISO 6945 Proprietary engineered material complies with EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and NSW Guidelinefor Fluid Power System Safety at Mines. MSHA Approved Meets conductivity standard ISO 8031 Offers optimum UV protection Sleeve should be cut 2" longer than hose length

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