Pferd Chain Saw Chain Sharpener CS-X 5/32" - image 1

Pferd Chain Saw Chain Sharpener CS-X 5/32"

Price: $61.21
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Brand: Pferd
    Part Number: 11098040
    SKU: FP-B1PF17300S
    Size Variations:

Product Features:

  • Size: 5/32"
  • Chain Pitch: 3/8"

Product Description:
Manual sharpening saves costs, is economical and goes much easier on material than mechanicalsharpening. Sharpening with CHAIN SHARP CS-X guarantees longer durability and use of the saw chain.No time-consuming conversion, simply change from left to right tooth by turning the device. Bluntfiles are simply replaced through the opening at the side. All three files can be changed quicklyand easily.

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