Sunbelt Outdoor Products B1WE610 Swift Load Trimmer Head with 10mm x 1.25 LHF 7mm x 1.00 LHM 8 mm x 1.25 LHM Bolts - image 1

Sunbelt Outdoor Products B1WE610 Swift Load Trimmer Head with 10mm x 1.25 LHF 7mm x 1.00 LHM 8 mm x 1.25 LHM Bolts

Price: $25.98

Product Features:

  • Includes: Comes with the following bolts 10 mm x 1.25 LHF (installed), one 7 mm x 1.00 LHM, and one 8 mm x 1.25 LHM.

Product Description:
Dual line tap-n-go head fits straight shaft trimmers. Recommended for models 20cc or greater. Holdstrimmer line up to .105 diameter. Easy to load line through eyelets without opening head. One of the most durable and reliable heads on the market. Replaces Echo "U-Turn" head.

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