Sunbelt Outdoor Products B1AC1012 Commercial Grinder Blade - image 1

Sunbelt Outdoor Products B1AC1012 Commercial Grinder Blade

Price: $1,644.89
    Shipping: FREE
    Stock Status: In Stock
    Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
    Brand: RBG Grinders
    Part Number: RBG 1012-C
    SKU: FP-B1AC1012

Product Features:

  • Height: 24.6"
  • Width: 25"
  • Depth: 16"

Product Description:
For many years RGB Grinders makes great quality grinders designed to sharpen all kind of blades. RBG 1012-C is the most popular grinder that offers superior grinding capabilities that allows to sharpen all types of blades including larger rotary style Bush Hog type blades. The larger grinding wheel will cut your grinding time as it covers more surface per minute. It includes a reverse switch for grinding both right and left hand blades. Heavy duty ceramic grinding wheel is included.

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