Fleetguard LF3681 Lube Oil Filter - Cummins Filtration - image 1

Fleetguard LF3681 Lube Oil Filter - Cummins Filtration

Price: $16.20
Product Description:
The life of your engine depends on the quality of oil filter. Cummins Filtration patented technology exceeds high quality requirements for Spin On or Centrifuge type filters.

Fleetguard LF3681 Lube Filter will help you to maintain the high performance add extend the life of your diesel or gas engine. Whenever you run a fleet or purchasing LF3681 for single unit always check that it fits your application. Our stuff is available to answer any questions about your order.

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Showing 1 of 1 questions

Question: Greetings! Is this filter of E-core construction? Thanks for the assistance..be safe! Joseph Risher 0
Answer this question
Answer: No, it is Cummins filtration
Jul 23, 2020 by Farm Parts Store

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